Monday 21 January 2008

Zaim's screwd jeans

(off to stafford for the second time this year)point ur finger and laugh at my my airwalk jeans
do u know why isit ther?
the night i went to stafford it was RAINING THE WHOLE NIGHT!
im not complaining i know its rezeki..
yeah,since basah and haus that night pasal ujan and beirit haha
i kida biarkan..nakan d lipatkan basah2 atu haha
so i let it burn by rubbin it to the ground and it ended up ther at the heater
atu lapas becuci tu~

gt sasak and kinda putung it..sendiri..
ehehe bida plng usulnya..ehhehe
both side putung..skali......~

to make it beautipuller~
i made a graffiti hahahhahahha*useless*

here u go another shot of it....

Zaim SPazy
madd art student


3 Maddartstudent on Tiba-tiba