Thursday, 10 December 2009


For Arts:

1. Please give your own opinion on why Art is important to Brunei Darussalam?

2. Do you have any suggestions or ideas on how to develop it more? How?

Thank you, Please email your answers to

If you have any queries do not hesitate to ask Anuar Mohammad.
email him or add him on Facebook 'Nuar Mohammad'

If you have more time feel free to answer his questionnaire :)

Thank you.

Dear Friends,

The three APEC Youth 2009 representatives, Hjh Siti Rafidzah (lecturer from UBD), Nurliyana Fatin (Research Officer at AsiaInc) and myself, Anwar Mohammad (third year UBD student) have been invited by the ministry of culture, youth and sports to do a presentation on our experience during the recent APEC and at the same time to provide them with recommendations that could help our youth development in Brunei on January 12th, 2010. Hence, we are taking this opportunity to present our proposal for the establishment of National Youth Council Brunei Darussalam.

We kindly need the help from public youth of Brunei to participate in answering the questionnaires below as your contribution could build a much stronger foundation for our proposal. It will only take 10 mins of your time. We are targeting 100 samples and you could help us achieve this figure. The deadline for data collection from this questionnaire survey would be on the 20th Dec 2009. i.e. 10 days from now :)

The objectives for the National Youth Council Brunei Darussalam to be established are:
1) To promote the interests and develop the capabilities of youths in Brunei Darussalam and at the same time to act as a platform for other youth engagement related activities.

2) To create, manage and coordinate opportunities for both local and overseas programs that advocates active youth engagement through training, capacity building and exposure in – academics, arts, entrepreneurship, sports and youth outreach.

3) Provides a proper and legitimate platform that acts as a bridge for youths’ engagement and the social community.

4) To develop responsible youths with leadership, management and social skills.

5) A legitimate body recognized by the government that gives a voice for the youths; a platform to voice out their opinions and engage in decisions related to youth development.

6) To liaise and advice the relevant ministries for youth affairs on youth matters.

7) To establish and maintain relations with other international youth bodies and organizations in other countries.

INSTRUCTIONS: Please answer in order using the comment box below, if there are areas on open ended questions, feel free to write an essay of your opinions.

1) Do you have a particular interest or hobby? If yes, in what area would you categorize them?

(a) Arts
(b) Academics
(c) Sports
(d) Community based activities (volunteering)
(e) Entrepreneurship
(f) Others (please state)

2) From your own opinion, do Brunei youth have untapped potentials (academic, art, music, etc)?

3) How would you rate the engagement of youths in the areas below?
Likert Scale: Very active (1), Rather active (2), Not very active (3), Not active at all (4), Unsure (5)

(a) Arts
(b) Academics
(c) Sports
(d) Community based activities (volunteering)
(e) Entrepreneurship
(f) Others(please state)

4) How important are youths’ role in the country?
Very important
Somewhat important
Somewhat not important
Not important at all
Not sure

5) Do youth have their opportunities to voice out their opinions and interests? If yes, where and if no, why?

6) Do you think there are ENOUGH organizations/bodies available in Brunei that youth can participate which are of their areas of interests?

7) Do you agree that active youth engagement programs helps with youth development in Brunei?
Strongly agree
Somewhat agree
Somewhat disagree
Strongly disagree
Not sure

8) Are you interested to do socially engaging activities such as - community service, voluntary work, sporting activities, clubs, others (please state) ?

9) If your answer to question 9 was YES, are you an active participant in such activities? If NO, state why.

10) If there were a Youth Body/Association at National Level e.g. National Youth Council Brunei Darussalam – would you be interested to join?

11) In your opinion, do you think that the absence of a proper platform such as National Youth Council Brunei Darussalam a barrier to the development of youth in their undiscovered talents? State your reason.

Thank you so much

3 Maddartstudent on Tiba-tiba